Ledyard Real Estate Report
Ledyard Photo Friday - We are almost there!

Getting to Know the Town of Ledyard

 Ledyard Know Your Town is a 7 week program designed to provide the residents and businesses of Ledyard insight into the history and governmental process of the town and introduce the employees and volunteers who make it work.

We also hope this will pique your interest to learn more about local government and possibly join one of the town’s boards and commissions. Department personnel will provide information about their department including some of the online tools now available. The sessions will be held at several different locations throughout the town on Thursday evenings from 7 – 9 pm starting September 20th.

Space is limited and registration is required. Call Bill Library at (860-464-9912) to register. Refreshments will be provided by the Friends of Ledyard Libraries.  Attendance at all Know Your Town sessions is recommended:

September 20 Nathan Lester House
Mayor, Town Council and the history of Ledyard with Kit Foster
September 27 Town Clerk’s Office
Town Clerk, Mike Curley; Assessor Paul Hopkins, Tax Collector Joan Carroll and Registrar of Voters
October 4 Emergency Services Building
Russ Shaw, Administrator of Emergency Services, Jim Mann, Fire Marshall, Police, Fire chiefs and LVES
October 11 Bill Library
Online resources, downloadable books and library programs with Marty Hubbard; John Phetteplace from the Library Commission and a visit to the Janice W. Bell Local History Room
October 18 Town Hall Annex
Land Use Departments including Building, Planning and Zoning Inland, Wetland and Water Courses Commission, and Conservation with employees and commission members
October 25 Ledyard Senior Center
Commission on seniors and Ledyard VNA – Senior Center Lauren Rapp, Senior Commission; Nursing Director, Karen Goetchius, Nursing Board
November 1 Board of Education Building
Board of Education members and Parks & Recreation Director Don Grise


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