Ledyard Real Estate Update July 7 2013
The Fog of Sailfest Fireworks

The 1976 Time Capsule at the Old Gales Ferry School

Over three years ago, I saw the first post about the 1976 Time Capsule that was buried at the Old Gales Ferry School in the I Went to Gales Ferry School Facebook Group. Since then there have been a number of mentions of getting people together for the big dig. I offered to help coordinate with the Town awhile back but finding a mutually agreed upon date seemed to be the biggest challenge especially with many members in the group living out of town. I finally decided to press forward. The Mayor’s Assistant, Mark Bancroft and I set the date as August 14 at 6:00PM, a date with absolutely no significance in terms of history. Hopefully we can provide some video for those unable to attend.

The odds of locating the time capsule should be improved by the photos that have been provided including the one below by Kathleen Nestor Owens, who seems to have a good memory of the occasion. The 157 members of the Facebook Page and the over 900 members of the Ledyard Gales Ferry Community Forum will help spread the word and other publicity will happen over the next month to try to find former teachers, parents and students of the Old Gales Ferry School. If you are reading this, I hope you will get out the word as well

My only fear is that I end up like Geraldo Rivera with Al Capone's vault. If nothing else, it will be a nice reunion! Thank you to the I went to Gales Ferry Facebook Group who kept the memory live!

Old Gales Ferry School - Time Capsule


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