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Little Bites of Ledyard

Bites of LedyardLittle Bites of Ledyard is my gathering place for events, news items and even an occasional opinion about anything Ledyard.

Scouting for Food - On October 31st watch out for those bright yellow Scouting for Food bags! The food will be collected on Saturday, November 7th. All of the food goes to our local food pantry.. Not every street is covered by the scouts, some are too dangerous to stop on, but Scout Leaders will be providing info about how you can still contribute. I will share that here next week.

From the Acorn, the Ledyard Historical Society Newsletter - More than 100 Ledyard residents served in the Union military services during the War between the States. Twenty-nine of them did not march home, their lives given on the battlefield. Their names are inscribed on the obelisk outside the Bill Library, a monument given by Ledyard Bill and dedicated on July 4, 1872, predating the library itself by a full two decades. At their Autumn meeting, on October 25th, Scott Buka will speak about those men, both casualties and survivors. The meeting will be held at the Bill Library Meeting Room, beginning at 2:00 PM. The Bill Library is located at 718 Colonel Ledyard Highway in Ledyard Center. The public is invited and refreshments will be served.

The Ledyard Senior Center is holding their  biggest fundraiser of the year tomorrow (Saturday, October 24th) from 9:00AM –2:00PM! Many unique household items, yummy baked goods & perfect pies, cheeses, crafters, jewelry, vendors and so much more!

October is the silly season in Ledyard Politics!  I’m always happy when the election is over and signs go back into the basement. 


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