Ledyard Real Estate Quick Stats
Ledyard Yard Sale Update

Ledyard Meeting Schedule

LEDYARDNEWSFor a quick look at the Ledyard meeting calendar visit www.LedyardCT.org and click to Community Calendar.

Minutes  and meeting agendas of the Ledyard Town Council and other Ledyard Committee and Commissions can be accessed by going to the meeting portal. Select all meeting groups on the pull down menu on the left or just the meeting group you are interested in. Members of the public are welcome to attend all meetings except those held in executive session. Resident and Property Owners are invited to comment at the start of most regular meetings but are limited to 3 minutes at the Town Council meeting.

It will be a busy week. Meetings this week include the Annual Town Meeting on Monday at 7PM followed by a Referendum Vote the next day on the Town's Annual Budget. Budget information can be found HERE.

A regular Town Council meeting will be held on Wednesday. Business includes authorizing the Mayor to enter negotiations for Emergency Medical Services.


Board of Education meetings can be found at the BOE web portal.


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