Ledyard Yard Sales Update
May 08, 2018
The deadlines are fast approaching for our Town Wide Yard Sales to be held on June 2nd (06339) and June 9th (06335). We have 47 Sales registered in Gales Ferry and 67 in Ledyard.
We have two changes for this year. First, since most of our 100+signs haven't been returned, we won't be offering signs this year BUT instead Merry Cassabria and I will offer a prize or two for best homemade signs so be creative!
Second, one week prior to the events, sellers may post photos, descriptions etc. of their yard sale treasures at my Facebook Community Forum Events Page. This is an open public group making sharing and promotion for your sale much better than in a private group.
Registration deadline for 06339 is May 18th. Registration deadline for 06335 is May 25th. Visit the link below to register.
To register:
06339 https://goo.gl/forms/6XZnVSyyeVGVb2iO2