Ledyard Meeting Schedule

For a quick look at the Ledyard meeting calendar visit www.LedyardCT.org and click to Community Calendar.

Minutes  and meeting agendas of the Ledyard Town Council and other Ledyard Committee and Commissions can be accessed by going to the meeting portal. Select all meeting groups on the pull down menu on the left or just the meeting group you are interested in. Members of the public are welcome to attend all meetings except those held in executive session. Resident and Property Owners are invited to comment at the start of most regular meetings but are limited to 3 minutes at the Town Council meeting.

The second meeting week of June has a full schedule of meetings including the regular Ledyard Town Council Meeting on Wednesday at 7PM. Prior to the meeting at 6:00PM will be a Public Hearing and then a Town Meeting on the sale of the town-owned property at 7 Lorenz Pkwy.  This is the former police building which is no longer in use or needed by the town and will now be privately owned and on the tax rolls.  

Board of Education meetings can be found at the BOE web portal.

Town Hall

Ledyard Meeting Schedule

For a quick look at the Ledyard meeting calendar visit www.LedyardCT.org and click to Community Calendar.

Minutes  and meeting agendas of the Ledyard Town Council and other Ledyard Committee and Commissions can be accessed by going to the meeting portal. Select all meeting groups on the pull down menu on the left or just the meeting group you are interested in. Members of the public are welcome to attend all meetings except those held in executive session. Resident and Property Owners are invited to comment at the start of most regular meetings but are limited to 3 minutes at the Town Council meeting.

The first meeting week of June has a full schedule of meetings including the EDC meeting at 6:00PM in the Mayor's office on Tuesday. You are welcome to attend the meeting and see the good work your Economic Development Commission is doing. 

Board of Education meetings can be found at the BOE web portal.

Town Hall

Ledyard Meeting Schedule

For a quick look at the Ledyard meeting calendar visit www.LedyardCT.org and click to Community Calendar.

Minutes  and meeting agendas of the Ledyard Town Council and other Ledyard Committee and Commissions can be accessed by going to the meeting portal. Select all meeting groups on the pull down menu on the left or just the meeting group you are interested in. Members of the public are welcome to attend all meetings except those held in executive session. Resident and Property Owners are invited to comment at the start of most regular meetings but are limited to 3 minutes at the Town Council meeting.

Meetings this week include a Public Hearing on the Charter Revision to be held on May 9th at 6:15 followed by a regular Ledyard Town Council Meeting at 7:00PM. Agenda items include a motion to approve the formation of a Ledyard Farmers’ Market Committee and a motion to set a public meeting to sell the former Ledyard Police Station. 

Just a reminder, the Annual Town Meeting will be held on May 21st at 7PM at Ledyard High School, followed by the Town Wide Referendum on May 22nd. Budget information can be found on the first page of www.LedyardCT.org.

Board of Education meetings can be found at the BOE web portal.

Ledyard Meeting Schedule

For a quick look at the Ledyard meeting calendar for the week of April 30th visit THIS LINK.

Minutes  and meeting agendas of the Ledyard Town Council and other Ledyard Committee and Commissions can be accessed by going to the meeting portal. Select all meeting groups on the pull down menu on the left or just the meeting group you are interested in. Members of the public are welcome to attend all meetings except those held in executive session. Resident and Property Owners are invited to comment at the start of most regular meetings but are limited to 3 minutes at the Town Council meeting.

Meetings this week include a Special Ledyard Town Council  Meeting on May 3rd at 5:00PM to finalize the budget.  (The Annual Town Meeting will be held on May 21st at 7PM at Ledyard High School, followed by the Town Wide Referendum on May 22nd.)

Board of Education meetings can be found at the BOE web portal.

Town of Ledyard Meeting Schedule

LEDYARDNEWSFor a quick look at the Ledyard meeting calendar for the week of April 16th visit THIS LINK.

Minutes  and meeting agendas of the Ledyard Town Council and other Ledyard Committee and Commissions can be accessed by going to the meeting portal. Select all meeting groups on the pull down menu on the left or just the meeting group you are interested in. Members of the public are welcome to attend all meetings except those held in executive session. Resident and Property Owners are invited to comment  at the start of most regular meetings but are limited to 3 minutes at the Town Council meeting.

Board of Education meetings can be found at the BOE web portal.

Ledyard Meeting Schedule

LEDYARDNEWSFor a quick look at the Ledyard meeting calendar for the week of April 9th  visit THIS LINK.

Minutes  and meeting agendas of the Ledyard Town Council and other Ledyard Committee and Commissions can be accessed by going to the meeting portal.  Select all meeting groups on the pull down menu on the left or just the meeting group you are interested in. Members of the public are welcome to attend all meetings except those held in executive session. Resident and Property Owners are invited to comment  at the start of most regular meetings but are limited to 3 minutes at the Town Council meeting.

Meetings this week include a regular Ledyard Town Council  Meeting which will include discussion on an RFP (Request for Proposals) for Ambulance Services for the Town of Ledyard.  The Public Hearing on the 2018/2019 Budget will be held on Tuesday at 7:00PM at Ledyard High School Auditorium.

Board of Education meetings can be found at the BOE web portal.

Ledyard Meeting Schedule

LEDYARDNEWSFor a quick look at the Ledyard meeting calendar for the week of April 2nd  visit THIS LINK.

Minutes  and meeting agendas of the Ledyard Town Council and other Ledyard Committee and Commissions can be accessed by going to the meeting portal at  www.OpenLedyard.com.  Select all meeting groups on the pull down menu on the left or just the meeting group you are interested in. Members of the public are welcome to attend all meetings except those held in executive session. Resident and Property Owners are invited to comment  at the start of most regular meetings but are limited to 3 minutes at the Town Council meeting.

Meetings this week include a regular Ledyard Town Council Finance Committee Meeting and an Economic Development Commission Meeting.

Board of Education meetings can be found at the BOE web portal.

Ledyard Public Hearing on the Budget

LEDYARDNEWSThe Public Hearing on the Budget will be held on April 10th at 7PM at the Ledyard High School Auditorium.  This is an opportunity for residents and taxpayers to hear, comment and ask questions about the 2018-2019 Ledyard Town and Board of Education Budgets. If you are unable to attend, questions or comments may be directed to [email protected].

TOWN: http://www.ledyardct.org/DocumentCenter/View/8003
BOE: http://www.ledyard.net/board_of_education/budget/2018-2019_budget

Ledyard Meeting Schedule

LEDYARDNEWSFor a quick look at the Ledyard meeting calendar for the week of March 26th visit THIS LINK.

Minutes  and meeting agendas of Ledyard Town Council and other Ledyard Committee and Commissions can be accessed by going to the meeting portal at  www.OpenLedyard.com.  Select all meeting groups on the pull down menu on the left or just the meeting group you are interested in. Members of the public are welcome to attend all meetings except those held in executive session. Resident and Property Owners are invited to comment  at the start of most regular meetings but are limited to 3 minutes at the Town Council meeting.

Meetings this week include a regular Ledyard Town Council meeting. At this meeting, the Finance Committee  will be presenting the 2018/2019 recommended budget to the full council.

Board of Education meetings can be found at the BOE web portal.

Ledyard Meeting Schedule

LEDYARDNEWSFor a quick look at the Ledyard meeting calendar for the week of March 19th visit THIS LINK.

Minutes  and meeting agendas of Ledyard Town Council and other Ledyard Committee and Commissions can be accessed by going to the meeting portal at  www.OpenLedyard.com.  Select all meeting groups on the pull down menu on the left or just the meeting group you are interested in. Members of the public are welcome to attend all meetings except those held in executive session. Resident and Property Owners are invited to comment  at the start of most regular meetings but are limited to 3 minutes at the Town Council meeting.

Meetings this week include the Ledyard Town Council’s final budget workshop.

Board of Education meetings can be found at the BOE web portal.